Through outsourcing, it is possible to entrust some services to specialized external personnel, such as freelancers.
Nowadays, many companies decide to search for freelancers in places like FreeUp and delegate some of their services. For example, activities related to the secretariat, administration, human resources or IT.
Why Outsource Certain Jobs?
Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of a small company that is forced daily to organize itself to manage many different activities in parallel and does not always have all the necessary resources, both in terms of skills and time.
Perhaps, they could overcome these difficulties by focusing on training. But the investment necessary to train the resources and make them assimilate the necessary notions in such a way as to be able to carry out the work effectively, could be too expensive.
People, for some specific roles, should develop skills of:
- Project management
- Management control
- Communication
- Plan and organize the work
The alternative solution could be to delegate some tasks externally. This modality, as we wrote earlier, is commonly defined by the English word outsourcing.
What Are The Advantages Of Outsourcing?
1. One of the biggest advantages is to delegate routine activities that make you lose focus on your business. By doing so you will have the opportunity to save time by dedicating it to priority activities.
2. Reduction of costs: by using external staff it will be possible to obtain a reduction of internal costs. For example, saving on: hiring, severance indemnity, expenses for company endowments, etc. In fact, a professional is paid for the value he is able to deliver: by the hour or with agreed service packages.
3. Greater flexibility: you will decide when to activate the services, either for a limited time or for a longer project or simply to manage any work peaks.
4. Professionalism: the professional to whom you decide to turn will potentially be a person with specialist skills in the activity for which it was requested, therefore probably more effective in performing some specific tasks.
By organizing in this way, you will be able to focus your internal skills on the most strategic activities for your business.
What Tasks Is Most Useful To Outsource?
I suggest starting to delegate small routine tasks until you realize that the collaboration is producing the expected results. Later, as confidence increases, you can decide to extend other more complex or delicate activities.
Can outsourcing therefore prove to be a useful way to manage your work more effectively? I’d like to know your opinion: leave a comment if you feel like it!
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